The Senate passes a subsidy bill, the DOJ requires body cameras, and Capitol Police officials were...
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The Bob Cesca Show 6/8/21
Shredding The Ground Bacon -- [Explicit Language] Trump's pants look like they're backwards;...
Climate Change to Cost More Than COVID Every Year
Climate change will cost twice as much as COVID did every single year by 2050.
Report: The Richest People Pay No Income Taxes
In recent years, famous billionaires have paid no personal income taxes at all.
SOCTUS rules against refugees, the FDA approves a controversial drug, and daily infections plummet.
Biden Admin to Bring Back Endangered Species Protections
Trump era rules that clearly favored business over animals will be repealed.
Trump Group Claims Reverse Racism Against White Farmers
Trump directed his inner circle to challenge Biden's anti-racist policies.
Facebook suspends Trump, lawyers detail capitol damage, and more cases of Havana Syndrome are...
But His Emails
Republicans call for Fauci's head based on virtually nothing.
USTR Suspends Trump-era Tariffs In Response to Digital Taxes
The punitive response to taxes on digital services has been suspended.