Greg Mitchell Returns -- We last spoke with Greg back in August about his book, The Beginning Or...
Latest Articles
Biden Infrastructure Plan To Also Include Tax Cuts
Middle class and low income families will see tax cuts in the plan.
Earmarks Are Back
House Republicans officially join Democrats in endorsing earmarks.
Border Crisis
Smoking is zeroing out, Dems vote for citizenship, the WHO finds the source of the coronavirus.
The Bob Cesca Show 3/16/21
Tucker's So Racist -- [Explicit Language] Buzz's brush with celebrity; Tucker Carlson's racism is...
GOP Governors Cost Their States Stimulus Money
The $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan includes direct stimulus payments for Americans and a...
McConnell Threatens “Scorched Earth” in Already Scorched Senate
McConnell says he set fire in a field that he already burned.
Relief Package
We may need COVID boosters, Republicans bring back bathroom bills, and Britain breaks the Brexit...
Johnson Establishes a One-Sided Brexit Trade Border
And Britain isn't the side benefiting from it.
Democrats Plan to Permanently Reduce Child Poverty
Democrats are planning to make the large child tax credits permanent.