Sarah Palin

Oh My God

Video of Palin fumbling through Gibson's question about the Bush Doctrine:

Palin has obviously never heard the term "Bush Doctrine" until the moment Charlie said it. "His world view?" she asked. She doesn't know.

This is remarkable footage. She's absolutely nervous and can't catch her breath. But what's worse is, like Quayle and Bush, you can literally see the steam shooting out of her ears as she struggles to find an answer -- any answer -- that has to do with something foreign-ish. And how about the Bushie-petulant-snippy, "In what respect, Charlie."

A heartbeat away from the button.


UPDATE: JG in the comments nailed it: "this is THE REASON we are in a Iraq." And she's never even heard the phrase.

UPDATE THE SECOND: In her final remark in this video -- once she figures out what she's talking about -- she explains that if we find out about an imminent terrorist attack, we should invade. Period. Not apprehend, arrest and thwart the would-be terrorists. No. We have to invade with all available military force. Even George W. Bush hasn't been that hasty and irrational.

UPDATE THE THIRD: Oliver Willis: "the Bush doctrine is bunk." Of course it is. And it's a shame that President Bush's crazy, irrational preemption policy gets its own "Doctrine" title. Nevertheless, it's a phrase that's been repeated along with its definition about a gazillion times throughout the last eight years. And the Republican nominee for vice president -- on a ticket with a 72 year old cancer survivor -- doesn't know. I can't underscore enough how astonishingly bad this is.

UPDATE THE FOURTH: Just thinking about... "U.S. Americans are unable to do so because some in our nation don't have maps, such as and."