John McCain

Oh, please, please please!

Posted by JumpyPants

Via TPM:

On Fox News this afternoon, senior McCain adviser Tucker Bounds did an unusual thing: He telegraphed a punch that he claimed John McCain is likely to throw at Wednesday's debate, asserting that it's likely that McCain will confront Barack Obama over William Ayers.

What are people betting that McCain has the guts to do this? Of course it's a stupid move, as it leaves Obama open to fire back on Keating, Singlaub, Joe Vogler, the AIP, etc. Or if not fire back on hypocrisy, just to really lay out who William Ayers is and what his relationship to him is -- in other words, call bullshit on the bullshit.

It would be a terribly dumb move for McCain. Which is why it will probably happen.

What are people's thoughts on the chance of McCain throwing the Ayers card?