The Daily Banter

Olympic Fever Mail Bag!

Actually there aren't really any Olympic questions. Here are this week's actual Daily Banter Mail Bad questions. Go here for answers from Ben, Chez and I.

I like chick fil a and as much as I like gay me out here. What do I do?
Jason (ps I'm gay...)

Mitt Romney behavior abroad has seriously woken me up. This guy is such a fucking clown. How the hell can any American with the vaguest sense of civic responsibility not vote for Obama? It's so embarrassing as an American to see this type of behavior from a supposedly serious politician. Are there any reasons left to sit at home in November? Seriously? Please, let me know if there are any.
Sean P.

I don't know why everyone is calling Romney the worst GOP candidate ever. The guy is a tool, but compared to GW, he's a saint. Do you seriously think it could get worse than 2000-2008? I'm not saying I'm voting for the guy but I think everyone's going a bit over board with the apocalyptic predictions. Romney is from Massachusetts for heavens sake. Hardcore Republicans don't even exist there.
Mike Lowell