
One Step Closer

Photo: Getty Images

The final numbers:

Barack Obama 645,554 58.1%
Hillary Clinton 452,590 40.7%

Barack Obama 28,347 75.7%
Hillary Clinton 8,835 23.6%

That Wisconsin margin? The same as the McCain-Huckabee margin, and Senator McCain is the presumptive nominee.

According to Chuck Todd's math, Senator Clinton needs to win ALL of the rest of the states up for grabs... with 58 percent of the vote. If Senator Obama wins the states he's favored in, Senator Clinton needs to win the rest of the states with 65 percent of the vote.

And on an editorial note... Here's the problem with negative attacks like the plagiarism thing this week. When you sell your soul and employ Karl Rove's "attack the positives" strategy -- and you still lose by landslide margins? I can't imagine that feels so good.