
Pennsylvanians: Reject and Denounce Racism

If you live in PA, are white, and are voting next month in the primary, I strongly encourage you to reject in its entirety the attempted racist manipulation of the Clinton campaign in its desperate efforts to secure your vote.

Let us be frank: Hillary Clinton and her campaign unleashed the yapping hate-speech of Geraldine Ferraro with clear intent: to stoke the ire of any white person who has ever thought affirmative action deprived them of a job, to stoke the fear of any white person who ever felt threatened by crime statistics involving black people, to stoke, in short, the idea that anyone can be defined by the color of their skin and not the quality of their character.

Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro stand squarely with a long line of racist American politicians including Strom Thurmond, Trent Lott and George Wallace. They have all used ethnicity as a bludgeon to keep down not only African-Americans, but also to keep white people scared and ignorant and thoughtless.

Pennsylvania voters, I urge you to reject this manipulation of you. Because at its core, that is precisely what this shameless hate-speech is: a callous attempt to manipulate your vote.

But in a few weeks, you can tell Hillary Clinton that you don't view the world that way. That you're not driven by fear and devoid of thought. That you prefer facts and truth to distortion and lies. That you don't care what color a person's skin is, what gender they are, where they're from; you care about what they've done, what they're doing, and what they plan to do.

Just say no to racism.