
Pentagon Delivers List of Projects Derailed By Trump’s Fake Emergency

Written by SK Ashby

If the Pentagon redirects funding to build Trump's fantasy border wall, the cash will have to come out of projects that already received funding from Congress and Congress may not necessarily go along with that.

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has released a list of projects that would see their fund redirected to Trump's vanity project and it includes a cemetery, among other things.

The more than 20-page document seen by Reuters included all the projects that were not awarded funding as of Dec. 31 2018.

The list includes a cemetery at the U.S. Military Academy in New York and a command and control facility at Camp Tango in South Korea.

It is essentially up to Congress to go through the list and figure out which projects will not be affected, including military housing, barracks and projects that have already been awarded funding.

The list is unlikely to satisfy Congress.

No shit.

If the Pentagon cannot legally redirect funding without approval from Congress, I don't think it's ever going to happen. The Democratically-controlled House of Representatives and even the Republican-controlled Senate is unlikely to agree to have funding pulled from projects in their own states and districts to pay for Trump's wall.

The idea that defense spending is evenly spread throughout the country to make it politically difficult to kill specific projects also applies to spending that has nothing to do with weapons programs. No one in Congress wants to see funding for a military school, cemetery, or any other project removed from their own backyard.