
Perspective on Reform

The Republicans have released their (bah-hahaha!) healthcare reform plan.

Under the GOP plan, insurance companies would still be allowed to exclude anyone with a pre-existing medical condition from coverage, there would be no national insurance exchange and businesses would not face any mandate to provide insurance nor individuals to buy it.

Boehner also left out tax credits to help the poor and middle class buy insurance — a central pillar of most GOP reform proposals and a key feature of a four-page outline Republican leaders released in June.

Boehner said Monday that the tax credits cost too much.

Instead, the Republican plan relies on low-cost ideas, such as allowing purchasing of insurance across state lines, allowing small businesses to band together to get cheaper rates, and limiting medical malpractice lawsuits.

This is the alternative to the Democratic reform bills. Kind of puts things into more perspective, no?

Adding... Here's an especially honest section of the plan:

"This policy is not subject to all of the consumer protection laws or restrictions on rate changes..."

Wow. That's just awful.