A literal Chad has been replaced by a foreign-born immigrant at DHS.
Latest Articles
DOJ Ends Trump Era Reverse Racism Lawsuit
The government is no longer alleging that Yale discriminates against White kids.
Buttigieg makes history, Senate Democrats start reconciliation, and Navanly is sentenced to prison.
The Bob Cesca Show 2/2/21
Fauci Ouchy -- [Explicit Language] Buzz returns to the show in two weeks; Correction from last...
Biden Orders Rollback of Wealth Test For Immigrants
Trump's rules against low-income legal immigrations will be history soon.
Biden Releases Funding For Puerto Rico
Trump's racist restrictions on recovery funds is being lifted.
The Failed Coup Wasn’t The First
A group of quacks called for a coup inside the Oval Office.
Normal Things
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CBO: Unemployment Will Remain High For Longer Without Stimulus
The economy is doing better than expect, but not good enough to avoid chronic unemployment.
Non-Voters Attacked The Capitol
Some of them didn't even vote for Trump in 2016.