It's all the indie music we featured on the show from July 2020, each song aired in the same order...
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Witches And Demons
Americans owe $21 billion in back rent, up to 40 million could be evicted, and Trump has no plans...
“an effective political strategy”
The White House had a national virus plan, but they decided it would be easier to let liberals die.
Senate Republicans Push Economy Over Cliff, Head Home
Senate Republicans adjourned for the weekend without taking action.
The Trump Virus
Virus deaths surge, HHS handed data collection to a contractor, and President Obama eulogizes John...
The Bob Cesca Show Presented By 7/30/20
Demon Semen Dreamin' -- [Explicit Content] The world premiere of David Ferguson's new single;...
The “Great” Pre-Pandemic Economy Was Revised Downard
Consumer spending was weaker than previously reported in the second half of 2019.
Herman Cain Dies After Attending Trump Rally
The former GOP presidential candidate died from COVID-19 complications.
GDP Contracts By A Record Amount, Jobless Claims Rise Again
Jobless claims increased for a second week while Senate Republicans dither.
Great Again
The Feds are leaving Portland, German officials say no vaccine until summer '21, and Trump cripples...