
Quote of the Day

George Will appearing on ABC's This Week discussing the level of seriousness in Newt Gingrich's candidacy.

WILL: He’s been out of elective office for 12 years. … Newt Gingrich’s problems are so far beyond just his multiple marriages and all that. His ethanol love affair right now. ON the 7th of March he said, “Let’s go Qaddafi.” On the 23rd of he says, “I never favored intervention.” He did it on television. … He’s one of these people who says that to understand Barack Obama you need to understand his “Kenyan anti-colonial mentality.” This is just not a serious candidate.

While George Will is correct about Gingrich, the primary voting base isn't necessarily looking for a serious candidate. A large portion of the primary voting base is looking for someone in a tri-corner hat who throws red meat into the crowd.