
Rank HRC’s Most Rovian Moves

Hillary Rodham Clinton and her husband, Bill, who apparently now plays an ignorant, racist creep on TV, have channeled the reptilian brain and flaccid, pasty gut of Karl Rove in increasing measure in this primary.

So if you can spare a moment of your time away from celebrating the putative assumption of our historic nominee, please rank the following sleazeball moves, with 1 being most craptastically Rovian.

Drinking 'til cross-eyed
Jesse Jackson won SC, too
Gun mailers
Gas tax holiday
Drug talk
"More electable," "shucking and jiving," and all the other racist code designed to scare both the ignorant and the informed into thinking that Americans are too racist to elect someone who had one parent born in Africa

And enjoy this one, because I don't think we're going to be talking so much about Mrs. Clinton and her once pretty good shitbird of a husband much anymore.