
Rat Bastards

You have to read this. Blue Cross sent out mailers to their customers in North Carolina informing them of an 11 percent rate increase -- while also asking customers to lobby Senator Hagan against the public option.

Maybe it was just lousy timing, but many customers of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina are ticked off at the mail they’ve received recently from the state’s largest insurer.

First, they learned their rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.

Next, they opened a slick flier from the insurer urging them to send an enclosed pre-printed, postage-paid note to Sen. Kay Hagan denouncing what the company says is unfair competition that would be imposed by a government-backed insurance plan. The so-called public option is likely to be considered by Congress in the health-care overhaul debate.

This... this is just staggering. Again, were I in charge, I would nationalize the bastards.