Comments on: Republicans Consider Delaying Obamacare “Replacement” for 4 Years We Cover The World Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:07:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: essar1 Wed, 04 Jan 2017 19:07:00 +0000 By repealing first – it shows once again that their ideological idiocy is just for show and a sham, like the 60 other repeal votes.

By: Dread_Pirate_Mathius Tue, 03 Jan 2017 14:53:00 +0000 In reply to Ipecac.

Step 1. Invent policy.
Step 2. Deny inventing policy because Blue Shirts are trying to pass it.
Step 3. Fight tooth and nail to prevent policy.
Step 4. Cripple policy.
Step 5. Bitch about policy, lie about policy.
Step 6. Continue bitching and lying.
Step 7. Bitch some more, lie some more.
Step 8. Un-cripple policy.
Step 9. Claim it’s a whole new policy.
Step 10. Claim sole responsibility.

Yup, sounds around right.

By: Ipecac Tue, 03 Jan 2017 14:19:00 +0000 If these dumbasses were smart (they aren’t), they’d pass the important fixes the law needs and then claim they’ve gotten rid of Obamacare and replaced it with Republicare. Their idiot supporters would believe it and the Repubs could then claim credit for the whole thing.

By: muselet Tue, 03 Jan 2017 01:07:00 +0000 After nearly eight years of blatantly lying about the Affordable Care Act and promising immediate repeal thereof at the earliest opportunity, the Rs find they have painted themselves into a corner. There is literally nothing they can do that won’t cause pain and misery to their constituents, which will in turn cause those constituents to turn on them in an frenzy that will look—electorally speaking—like a particularly gruesome scene from a zombie movie.

Unfortunately, those constituents will turn to the most Right-wing alternative to the current crop of Rs available to them, alternatives (no, I didn’t say “alt-Right” but I may have hinted at it) whose preferred policies will make their lives even more miserable.

No matter what Congress does, the end result ain’t going to be pretty.


By: Aynwrong Mon, 02 Jan 2017 21:00:00 +0000 Wow! Even I’m shocked by this. This is simply beyond cynical. After all the years of baying like wolves at the moon over how Obamacare was going to bring about a job killing apocalypse they’re not even going to try and repeal it? Just give up now and tell Trump’s idiot supporters to get over it and move on!

Good grief.
