
Reviving an Old Refrain

There's just no way the Republicans come out on top in all of this. The president is too smart and reasonable, and so the Republicans look like foot-stomping, tantrum-throwing children.

Notice the language.

Boehner keeps saying "no, no, no." Simultaneously, the president keeps repeating words like "compromise" and "we're getting closer." When the dust clears, they're going to settle on the compromised $33 billion or so, and because the president has been repeating this reasonable language, the resolution will be credited to him.

For independent voters, this is going to make a huge difference. It shows who's serious about governing and who's willing to blow up the government over a totally arbitrary budget cut number and Planned Parenthood funding.

So it seems like an appropriate day to dust off this old meme... Keep going, Republicans. You're doing great!

The modern tea party Republicans simply can't be taken seriously. And they're trying really damn hard to reinforce their unseriousness.