
Sean Spicer Completely Shit the Bed Today

Written by SK Ashby

I was going to say I had something more important to write about, but this is important.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer did something amazing today. He kind of, sort of defended Adolph Hitler and knowingly or unknowingly engaged in Holocaust denial.

In justifying the Trump regime's actions in Syria, Spicer said Assad is worse than Hitler because Hitler didn't use chemical weapons against "his own people."

Of course Hitler did use gas against millions of Jews, minorities, gay people, and the disabled. Moreover, Nazi scientists created the Sarin gas that Assad used last week.

Is Sean Spicer simply an uninformed moron, or was this actually Holocaust denial? The fact that we even have to ask the question is astonishing and even if you accept that he didn't intend to deny the Holocaust, this man has no business speaking for the United States government.

And assuming this was simply an innocent gaffe (I don't), it doesn't make much sense, does it?

If you believe that Assad is worse than Hitler, as Sean Spicer says, why haven't we done anything about it? The missile strike ordered by Trump last week did not even slow Assad's forces down. They resumed use of their airfield less than 24 hours later.

Spicer has issued several (current count is 5 as of this writing) "clarifications" of his remarks that only made it worse.