As you might imagine, reporters had a lot of questions to ask last night after Trump abruptly fired FBI director James Comey.
Unfortunately for White House spokesman Sean Spicer, a horde of reporters stood between him and his office. And for some reason, Spicer did not want to be seen on camera last night so he literally hid in the bushes until the cameras were turned off.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer wrapped up his brief interview with Fox Business from the White House grounds late Tuesday night and then disappeared into the shadows, huddling with his staff behind a tall hedge. [...]
After Spicer spent several minutes hidden in the bushes behind [interview sets], Janet Montesi, an executive assistant in the press office, emerged and told reporters that Spicer would answer some questions, as long as he was not filmed doing so. Spicer then emerged.
“Just turn the lights off. Turn the lights off,” he ordered. “We'll take care of this. ... Can you just turn that light off?”

If they don't bring back Melissa McCarthy for this, it'll be a missed opportunity.