While on Meet The Press, Family man Tom Coburn(R-OK) articulated perfectly what the Republican party thinks of effective and efficient government.
“The reason we’re in trouble on deficits and debt is not because we didn’t agree, but because we did,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “So the story coming out of Washington is we don’t get along. I would dispute that. We get along just fine with the status quo of the government being ineffective and inefficient.”
Elect more Republicans! Government is broken and divided and the only way to fix it is to ensure that The United States of America can only succeed if we allow it!
Hell of a campaign pledge.
No worries, though. It’s still perfectly ineffective and inefficient for the estimated 15,000 Oklahomans who will be cut off from unemployment benefits in the first six months of next year due to the recent “bipartisan” budget agreement that Sen. Tom Coburn is talking about. Same goes for the nearly 700,000 Oklahomans who are currently being denied health insurance.
Tipping the Republican party’s hand in future hostage stand-offs negotiations over the debt ceiling, Sen. Coburn soothed America’s fears of a functioning government, saying, “My thoughts are, is the American people don’t believe we have a debt ceiling because we always increase it, and they don’t believe we have the discipline in Washington.”
It takes some discipline to be a right wing terrorist. It’s not all $400 bottles of wine and country club retreats, you know?