The Media

Sestak Debunks Hannity To Hannity

Sean Hannity could very well be the craziest of the crazy. This performance is such a raw display of disingenuousness and unapologetic lying. Transcript after the jump.

HANNITY: And that was President Obama, delivering his remarks to a joint session of Congress just a bit ago. And joining us now to give us his thoughts on the president's speech is Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak [PA] is with us.You know, Congressman Sestak, I'm getting a little frustrated. He said in last week's $1 trillion-plus with interest, you know, massive spending bill -- he said there were no pet projects in it. We all know that's not true.I have a list of the $410 billion omnibus spending bill. I have a list -- I'll start reading them to you, if you like -- of nothing but part of the 9,000 earmarks. How can you say with a straight face that this is not irresponsible spending when it's full of earmarks? Last week's bill; this week's bill being debated. Explain that to me. You're a Democrat. Help me out.SESTAK: Absolutely. Sean, first off, you try to name me one -- one in the recovery bill of an earmark. Now, with a --HANNITY: Got it.SESTAK: -- 9,000 earmarks in this omnibus --HANNITY: I got it.SESTAK: -- bill -- just one moment.HANNITY: Answer.SESTAK: There were -- OK. If --HANNITY: One.SESTAK: -- you could, just answer this: Is -- there's 9,000 --HANNITY: The salt harvest marsh mouse that gets $30 million. The railway from Los Angeles to Las Vegas: that is a pork project. That is reckless spending.SESTAK: Sean, that -- those words are absolutely not in the bill, and you know it.HANNITY: What --SESTAK: You may be reading them off --HANNITY: -- the stimulus --SESTAK: -- the Internet, but those words are not in the bill.HANNITY: Yeah, of course, because you hide it. But we know where the money's going. It's just like, for example, all-terrain --SESTAK: Now, Sean, those words --HANNITY: I'll give you another one.SESTAK: Sean, if I could.HANNITY: All-terrain vehicles --SESTAK: Now, wait a minute, Sean, you're reading off an Internet type of thing.HANNITY: I'm actually reading the bill.SESTAK: You've got to read the actual bill, and I've read every word.HANNITY: You know --SESTAK: Now let's talk about the 9,000 earmarks.HANNITY: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You know and I know that Nancy Pelosi's district, that these marshlands to help save the mouse, that's where that money's going. This railway for Harry Reid, these all-terrain vehicle trails, they're in the bill, Congressman. We're spending $1.3 trillion of our kids' money. Why?SESTAK: Sean, I just don't want to mislead the public. Those words are not in the bill. Number two: We're --HANNITY: But the money is earmarked for it.SESTAK: No, there are not, Sean. Number two --HANNITY: You sound like Bill Clinton.SESTAK: No, I'm just telling you what the facts are, 'cause I've read every word of the bill.HANNITY: "I did not have sex with that woman." They -- that is where the money is going, Congressman. Be straight with the American people.