
Shutdown Remains A Possibility

Posted by JM Ashby

I'm beginning to get the idea that we're going to be seeing a lot of two-week extension bills over the next several months. Less than 24 hours after the President signed into the law the first two-week extension, Republicans are already playing games.

White House efforts to bring Congressional leaders together Thursday to kick off bipartisan budget talks are already hitting a wall: GOP leaders are signaling they won’t be there.

Democratic sources said Wednesday night that White House officials, led by Vice President Joseph Biden, and Democratic leaders had agreed to meet Thursday afternoon in a Senate room to begin talks on a budget blueprint aimed at keeping the government funded for the rest of the fiscal year. [...]

But GOP leadership aides suggested that their bosses have no plans to attend until Senate Democrats produce a spending plan of their own.

The President's budget has actually been available for nearly a month, so the claim that the Democrats haven't offered an alternative plan is patently false.