Senator Barack Obama

Smell the Flop Sweat

They're really desperate. In response to Senator Obama's recommendation to keep our tires properly inflated, McCain activists (that's an oxymoron) plan to distribute tire pressure gauges at an Obama event. I don't quite get the joke there. I'll take a free tire gauge, thank you.

Anyway, Bill Scher reminds the pranksters on the far-right:

Where did [Obama] get that crazy idea? From George Bush's Energy Department and Environmental Protection Agency. (hat tip: Get Energy Smart! Now!)

Their joint site is loaded with fuel-saving, money-saving tips. Keep your tires properly inflated, for example, and you can save up to 12 cents a gallon.

Compare that immediate savings from that single tip, with what coastal and Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling combined would get you two decades from now: 6 cents a gallon.

And, of course, when faced with the facts, the McBushies are claiming that tire inflation and tune-ups are Senator Obama's entire energy policy. Seriously. They do. Remarkable, considering this is readily available on the tubes.