Ethics Glenn Greenwald NSA

Sound Familiar?

Here’s an idea. Let’s arbitrarily and hastily defund elements of the federal government.


Calling for the defunding of the NSA isn’t necessarily the same thing as calling for the defunding of the EPA or Obamacare, but in the interests of Republicans there is very little difference. Either way you’re proposing that we arbitrarily fire federal employees for doing something that they were authorized to do by Congress and thus the voters.

I’m sure some people would argue that what the NSA does is without merit just as Republicans would argue that clean air is overrated.

By the way, the House defense appropriations bill this amendment would be attached to has drawn a veto threat from the White House because it keeps defense spending under the cap established under sequestration by making cuts to discretionary programs.

The bill would also further prohibit the administration from closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but this is our chance to defund the NSA(!) so let’s go for it.