Open Thread

Star Trek Review Thread

Post your reviews here, but please clearly mark your spoilers.

Simply put, it made all of the previous movies seem overly serious, stuffy and quaint. A couple of spoilers after the jump...

Some random observations... SPOILERS!-Mr. Scott's little alien sidekick made me crack up.-Chekov gets a ton of dialogue. More than Koenig ever got in any of the movies.-Karl Urban as McCoy stole the movie. The sequence with McCoy, Kirk and the medication side effects was hysterical.-At the end, when Kirk struts onto the bridge and blurts out "Bones!" in a perfect Shatner voice, it underscored how perfectly Abrams melded the original series with the reboot.-The Sulu sword fight was awesome.-I don't think Bruce Greenwood is capable of a bad performance in anything.-The new warp speed effect/sound was amazing. For the first time ever in a Star Trek movie or show, they really made space travel seem more dangerous and real. Sort of illustrating McCoy's warning about how space is "danger and disease wrapped in darkness." It really was.END SPOILERS