
State Secrets

Despite the flurry of promising executive orders, this story is a more than a little disturbing. In short, the Obama Justice Department invoked state secret priviledges in the case of a man who claims to have been brutally tortured in a Bush administration black site dungeon.

Admittedly, I haven't been following it due to the chaos of the recovery bill, but now that I'm taking a look, my first reaction is: WTF? My second reaction is: It had better be a huge state secret they're protecting, because this looks terrible.

However, I think we'll rapidly discover that the Obama administration will invoke this priviledge far less often than the Bushies. Significantly less often. It's no excuse, but yeah. I'd also like to hear from the president on this. Naturally, he can't discuss specifics, but in a general sense, is this an extreme exception for the new administration? Or is it a policy shift?