
Stop thief! Bush steals more than just logs.


The most excellent Mark Crispin Miller has a new book coming out called FOOLED AGAIN: How the Right Stole the 2004 Election & Why They'll Steal the Next One, Too (Unless We Stop Them).

It's an admittedly long title, but, then, there are a lot of despicable things to say about this criminal issue which literally affects all Americans. But as Miller pointed out last night on the Majority Report, it's important to look at the facts.

So he spent over a year taking a close look at those facts, and he concludes without equivocation that the 2004 election was stolen, and that it was a coordinated effort by the Bush right. And the mainstream media all but ignored it. And continue to ignore it, even in the wake of Rep. John Conyers' Congressional Report on Ohio (just Ohio!) that is filled with smoking guns.

If you can't wait until the book comes out to read about how we're being ruled by an unelected thief who starts illegal wars based on lies and has, de facto, killed thousands of Americans and over a hundred thousand other human beings (and, really, who CAN'T wait to read about that?!), pick up the latest Harpers for a condensed version, or go to www.harpers.com for an excerpt.

You'll read delightful fun facts like this:

On Election Day, twenty-six state exit polls incorrectly predicted wins for Kerry, a statistical failure so colossal and unprecedented that the odds against its happening, according to a report last May by the National Election Data Archive Project, were 16.5 million to 1.

Ah, yes, the old 16.5 million to 1 shot!