Sarah Palin

Stupid Palin Thing of the Day

Rude Pundit takes down a big, wet bucket of stupid in Sarah Palin's new Facebook screed.

"Something has to be done urgently to stop the out of control Obama-Reid-Pelosi spending machine, and no government agency should be immune from budget scrutiny. We must make sure, however, that we do nothing to undermine the effectiveness of our military."

Read that again - in one sentence, she says no agency should be immune; in the next, she says, "Well, except the military." Later, she explicitly says, "Cut spending in other departments – apart from defense." The only purpose of the first part is to say "Obama-Reid-Pelosi," as if it's an unholy trinity of cash-engorged corruption.

The Pentagon is one of the biggest sources of white collar welfare. Contractors producing NOTHING and still getting annual bumps in their inflated budgets. But Sarah thinks this is off limits.

Meanwhile, I expect Sarah to call her Republican governor friends like Rick Perry and Bobby Jindal and demand they return the gigantic redistributed stimulus checks they accepted -- the checks that kept their states (and the political prospects of the aforementioned Republican governors) out of bankruptcy.