
Super Stupid

The topic description from today's Chris Matthews Show:

How Will President Obama Lead the Left to Accept No Public Option?

Here's a few topics I'd like to see:

When will the very serious press acknowledge that the public option is supported by upwards of 60-70 percent of Americans? That's a lot of lefties!

When will the very serious press acknowledge that the public option a liberal compromise in lieu of single-payer?

When will the very serious press acknowledge that healthcare reform will die in the House without a robust public option?

When will the very serious press acknowledge the fact that "the Left" -- the Progressive Caucus and the TriCaucus -- outnumber the conservadems and Blue Dogs?

And so when will the very serious press begin to prod the Democratic leadership about why they're not asking the conservadems and Blue Dogs to compromise or abandon the provisions they want?

But none of that will happen as long as marginalizing "the Left" makes members of the very serious press, like Chris Matthews, appear more serious in the eyes of their colleagues.