Epic Fail

Tea Party Now Less Popular Than Godless Heathens!

A new New York Times Poll brings bad news for the "20-percenters" among us, as the Tea Party is now even less popular than us non-believing heathens and Muslims.

In April, 2010, 21 percent of Americans approved of the Tea Party while 18 percent disapproved of it. Now, 20 percent approve while a stunning 40 percent disapprove of it. Ironically, the conservative movement is now more unpopular than two often-marginalized groups it sometimes rails against — Muslims and atheists — and is the least popular of the 23 groups the poll asked about.

An 18 percent disapproval rating in April is now 40 percent in August. I think that qualifies as an Epic Fail.

As ThinkProgress notes, the only group which comes close to the Tea Party's staggering unpopularity is the fundamentalist Christian Right. Good thing the Republicans will more than likely nominate a member of the fundamentalist Christian Right for president.

What? You didn't really think they would nominate Mitt Romney did you?

Keep going, Republicans! You're doing great!

Adding... If the average Tea Party member believes Muslims attacked us on 9/11, wouldn't that mean they are now less popular than those who supposedly attacked us on 9/11? They may want to reconsider their views on the subject.