
Tea-Party Caucus Loves Government Cash

Posted by JM Ashby

The Tea-Party never had a better friend than Big Government.

Remember that anti-earmark crusade that members of the GOP and the Tea-Party planned to go on? It appears they have abandoned that idea and chose to rake in massive amounts of cash instead.

Members of the Congressional Tea Party Caucus may tout their commitment to cutting government spending now, but they used the 111th Congress to request hundreds of earmarks that, taken cumulatively, added more than $1 billion to the federal budget.

According to a Hotline review of records compiled by Citizens Against Government Waste, the 52 members of the caucus, which pledges to cut spending and reduce the size of government, requested a total of 764 earmarks valued at $1,049,783,150 during Fiscal Year 2010

The hypocrisy meter is completely off the scale.