Ethics President Obama

Ted Cruz Senior: Obama is In The Tank for Muslims


Now we know where Senator Ted Cruz gets his charming personality from.

On Friday of last week Rafael Cruz Senior told a group of Republicans in Denver that President Obama is probably a Muslim and that Death Panels are legit.

A Cuban immigrant and a pastor, Cruz claimed that Obama has pledged to “side with the Muslims” if “the winds shift,” prompting a reaction from an audience member.

“He is Muslim,” shouted a woman.

“[Sen. John] McCain couldn’t say that because it wasn’t politically correct,” Cruz responed. “It is time we stop being politically correct!” [...]

“As a matter of fact, one of the things in Obamacare is that for the elderly, every five years you must have end-of-life counseling,” Cruz said. “Translation: suicide counseling.”

Like father, like son?