Tennessee Republicans Consider Invalidating All Marriage to Stop Gay Marriage

Written by SK Ashby

Republicans in Tennessee are very concerned that same-sex marriage will destroy the institution of marriage and, to that end, they've launched a campaign to destroy the institution of marriage before same-sex marriage has a chance to.

The head of the Family Action Council of Tennessee (FACT) has filed a lawsuit in state court which alleges that all marriage licenses issued in the state since last Summer are invalid and at least one lawmaker in the state legislature has introduced a resolution to co-sign the lawsuit.

State Rep. Susan Lynn (R) has filed a resolution in the House supporting the lawsuit. “I have dozens of sponsors, and the message of my resolution is clear,” she claimed. “We as a state have been violated, and we expect the doctrine of separation of powers and the principles of federalism reflected in our Constitution to be upheld.” According to the state legislature’s website, Lynn’s resolution already has at least 16 cosponsors, all Republicans.

The lawsuit alleges that the Supreme Court's ruling against gay marriage bans effectively voided the state's laws sanctioning any marriage and, with no law on the books, no one gay or straight can legally be married.

I don't believe I've ever hated anything as much as these people hate gay marriage. They hate it so much they'd be willing to invalidate all marriages if it prevents even one gay couple from tying the knot.

I certainly don't expect they will succeed, but their position is clear.