
That Darn Wind Turbine Syndrome is Back


Possibly encouraged by the success of wind turbine conspiracy theorists in the Northeast, residents of Michigan have filed a lawsuit claiming that wind turbines are making them sick and keeping awake at night.

The lawsuit filed by 17 property owners in a community along the east shore of Lake Michigan, alleges that Lake Winds Energy Park keeps them awake at night and has left them fatigued and stressed, unable to concentrate properly, and stricken with headaches, dizziness, nausea, and ringing and aching in the ears. They also say it has decreased their property values. They are seeking financial payouts and a shuttering of the facility.

As you may recall, in January of this year residents in Falmouth, Massachusetts successfully pressured the local city county into removing wind turbines because of “wind turbine syndrome.” A phantom illness of which there is no evidence that it actually exists. And according to Media Matters, the Environmental Protection Agency does not recognize it.

As reported by Grist, it’s possible what local residents in Michigan have been duped into thinking is a legitimate illness may actually be a communicated illness or “sociological phenomenon.”

In other words — it’s all in their heads.

Personally I wouldn’t hesitate to place a small turbine in my own yard. That is if I had a yard.