Conspiracy Theory

That’s Not How This Works

Written by SK Ashby

The Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, apparently has no idea how voting works.

Trump spoke to the Washington Post about his claim that the November election may be "rigged" against him and he unwittingly revealed that he has no fucking clue.

In his interview with The Post, Trump offered that his chief concern about fraud was that states without strict identification requirements would see rampant repeat voters. “If you don’t have voter ID, you can just keep voting and voting and voting,” he said. On Fox News, Trump’s only evidence for fraud consisted of “precincts where there were practically nobody voting for the Republican” in the 2012 election.


The state of New York does not require a photo ID to cast a ballot. Is Trump saying he has personally voted multiple times in a single election?

Unless some form of evidence proves otherwise, I'm just going to assume Trump has never voted in his life.