The After Party is our hilarious subscription-only Friday podcast, featuring uncensored conversation about topics from politics to human sexuality to movies and television and all points in between, hosted by Bob along with Kimberley A. Johnson from The Huffington Post and Liberals Unite.
As of January, 2018, we're no longer accepting new subscriptions through this site, but we're still honoring existing subscriptions, so if you've already subscribed don't worry -- you can still get the show here if you've already signed up. Instead, we strongly encourage you to SUBSCRIBE via our Patreon page for $10/month. With that subscription, you'll get both the After Party and two "Post Mortem" shows every week, plus other bonus content. Or you can buy individual episodes through our Band Camp store for $2 per download.
Hosted by Bob Cesca and Kimberley Johnson, the After Party is a one hour weekly spin-off of the popular Bob Cesca Show, as heard on WPWC 1480 AM in Washington, DC,, The Huffington Post, Stitcher Radio and iTunes. It's everything we can't shoehorn into our other show: pop culture, politics, sex, drugs, rock & roll -- and personal stories we probably shouldn't be talking about in public. It's totally commercial-free and uncensored!
If you don't like it, click the UNSUBSCRIBE button below.