In other news, Senate Republicans managed to pass their tax cut bill out of their own committee today, the lowest possible bar for accomplishment.
Meanwhile, Wells Fargo is on the hot seat again. Employees chasing sales bonuses were caught over-billing the bank's business partners for foreign transactions.
Finally, Secretary of State Tex Tillerson says dismantling the agency is no big deal because most of the world's conflicts will end soon.
On Tuesday, the secretary of state said he was “offended” by suggestions that “somehow we don’t have a state department that works”.
And he offered a further rationale for the retrenchment, based on an assumption that the world would become more peaceful.
“Part of this bringing the budget numbers back down is reflective of an expectation that we’re going to have success in some of these conflict areas, getting these conflicts resolved and moving to a different place in terms of the kind of support we have to give,” Tillerson said.

This obviously doesn't account for the whole new conflicts Trump is starting.