
The Nation’s Biggest Disgrace to Speak at the GOP Convention

Birther-in-Chief Donald Trump will be joined by the infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio at this years GOP convention representing birthers from across the country.

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scheduled to speak to delegates from western states on Aug. 30 during the Republican National Convention, the Arizona Republican Party said in a press release.

"Sheriff Joe is a good friend and a great Republican, a former member of the Electoral College representing Arizona, and he's wildly popular not just in Maricopa County but throughout the state and the country," said Tom Morrissey, Chairman of the Arizona Republican Party in the release.

Will Arpaio release the results of his posse's investigation into the president's birth certificate?

In case you forgot, Arpaio is also being sued by the Department of Justice for numerous rights violations and racial profiling. He has also failed to investigate over 400 sexual abuse claims because he's been too busy hunting brown people. And several people, including at least one Iraq war veteran, have died while in his custody.

The Republicans apparently aren't even attempting to hide The Crazy at this year's convention. They're reveling in it.

(photo via AP)