
The Next Speaker

Written by SK Ashby

(Cartoonist - Pat Bagley)

In other news, the Ben Carson campaign says it will not answer any questions about Carson's "Popeye's Organization" robbery story because it occurred a long time ago and he probably doesn't remember everything anyway.

“A lot of the details are hazy because that incident did occur over 30 years ago,” [campaign spokeswoman Ying Ma] said. "I'm sure that a lot of even anchors here at MSNBC would have trouble remembering incidents from over 30 years ago."

It probably never happened.

Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has confirmed the Treasury's November 5th date for hitting the debt ceiling. Some Republicans have accused the Treasury of lying about the date.

And finally, former Arizona Republican Party Chairman Randy Pullen has announced his support for confiscating guns. From black people.

They say Democrats want to take your guns away, but a Republican has beat us to the punch.