The annual United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place in Katowice, Poland next month and members of the Trump regime will be in attendance, but they won't acknowledge man-made climate change or promote renewable energy.
Actually, according to an exclusive report from Reuters, the Trump regime will use the opportunity to promote fossil fuels with a special focus on coal.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Trump administration plans to set up a side-event promoting fossil fuels at the annual U.N. climate talks next month, repeating a strategy that infuriated global-warming activists during last year’s talks, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. [...]
“Quite frankly, the U.S. is the only party to the convention that appears to be willing to push a rational discussion on the role of cleaner, more efficient fossil (fuels) and the role of civilian nuclear energy,” said one of the sources, who is involved in the planning of the event for Katowice, likely to be held on Dec. 10.

The source, who did not want to be named due to the sensitive nature of the issue, said the event will be dominated by proponents of coal and natural gas and likely advanced nuclear power, too. The panel will also likely feature a U.S. Energy Department representative. At this point plans do not include a renewable power industry representative, the source said.
Under different circumstances I may not find this funny, but in this case I think it's hilarious.
I find it funny because no nation at this conference is going to roll back their plans to move away from fossil fuels just because some Trump regime dipshit showed them a few PowerPoint slides and gave them a t-shirt. No one is buying a used car at this conference.
Even right here in America, at least 20 coal-fired power plants will close by the end of the year and we aren't building any new ones.
Most of the world including the some of the most oil-rich nations are taking aggressive steps to pivot toward cheaper and cleaner sources of energy. They're doing so not just because climate change threatens global stability; they're doing it because it's a great opportunity.
The green energy business of tomorrow will be bigger than fossil fuels.