
The Fox Geezer Effect

Even real-life conservatives are beginning to worry about the Fox effect:

Over the past couple of years, I’ve been keeping track of a trend among friends around my age (late thirties to mid-forties). Eight of us (so far) share something in common besides our conservatism: a deep frustration over how our parents have become impossible to take on the subject of politics. Without fail, it turns out that our folks have all been sitting at home watching Fox News Channel all day – especially Glenn Beck’s program.

What's ironic here is that senior citizens are absolutely bathed in democratic socialism -- and yet they're watching a network that does nothing but red-bait everyone else.

Yglesias writes about how a misinformed viewing audience isn't "helpful." And here's how: the more deeply viewers become steeped in Fox News' lies, the more Republicans will have to pander to those lies. And the Republicans are already working on a sizable crazy/dumbstupid reputation. It's only going to get worse for them the longer Fox News continues to feed its moronic viewership crapola like Glenn Beck.