
The Great Fear of 2008 – Waffles Edition

This is pretty close to being the worst thing from this election so far. That's right -- a team of far-right oompas are selling something called "Obama Waffles," complete with a not-so-subtle Aunt Jemima box-front. And bonus artwork: Obama wearing a turban with the slogan: "Point the box towards Mecca for tastier waffles."

CNN’s Lou Dobbs stopped by the booth and exclaimed, “My wife will love this!” A photo shows Dobbs with a box of the mix in his hand.

Is Lou Dobbs married to David Duke? Wow. Happy returns, Dobbses!

h/t Paddy and Gotta

UPDATE: Pandagon has the story behind the guys who came up with the product.

("The Great Fear of 2008" is a chapter from my forthcoming book One Nation Under Fear. The chapter analyses race-baiting tactics from 1860 to 2008.)