
The mission will NEVER be accomplished


We have been losing the Iraq War since we began it. And this is not just my opinion. This is a statistical fact, based on an analysis of the numbers, done by by Tom Lasseter and Jonathan S. Landay of Knight Ridder Newspapers. They crunched hard numbers, and Messrs. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al: numbers don't lie. Here are the numbers on American deaths:

U.S. military fatalities from hostile acts have risen from an average of about 17 per month just after President Bush declared an end to major combat operations on May 1, 2003, to an average of 82 per month.

The average number of wounded Americans has gone from 142 per month when Bush zipped up his flight suit for his photo op to 808 a month currently.808 wounded troops per month. 82 troops dead per month.Not one of those troops is the child of a member of the cabinet, the child of a member of Congress. Not one of them matters a damn bit to Bush. He won't visit them in the hospital or attend their funerals. But they are maimed or dead.And for what? Not the Iraqi people: over 100,000 of them are dead. Not WMDs: they don't exist. Not "freedom": freedom does not agree with these numbers. Perhaps these thousands of people have been killed or wounded all for the profit of companies like Haliburton. But even there, things are not as good as they once were. Oil production is down half-a-million barrels from pre-war peak of 2.5 million per day.Numbers don't lie. This is worse than Vietnam. Far, far worse.