
The Rationals and The Wingnuts

Charles Johnson, the conservative blogger who runs Little Green Footballs, has been ripping Glenn Beck, the tea baggers, creationism and the Saudi "Bow Gate" thing. And he's been paying the price, with wingnuts and trolls bombarding him with nasty e-mails and comments. (Johnson reports that some wingnuts are derisively referring to him as "Chuckie." It's a phenomenon I've witnessed firsthand with wingnuts calling me "Bobby," as though that might offend me for some reason.)


After having read Little Green Footballs over the years, I didn't expect it to be one of the sites urging conservatives to pull back from the fringes and be more responsible. It's a pleasant surprise.

Here's hoping others Charles Johnson's lead.

It's obvious that conservatives are falling cleanly into either the tea bagging LOUD NOISES wingnut group, or the Frum-LGF group of Rationals.