Senator Hillary Clinton

The Rules

A considerable percentage of my anger towards the Clintons has to do with the terrible fact that they have destroyed the respect I held for them -- respect and support that endured for 15 years and through many ups and downs. The same can be said about the Clinton supporters who have simply refused to see the truth behind what they're doing to the party and to the liberal cause.

BooMan writes:

At this point, there isn't much left to say to the Clintons and their advocates other than to reiterate that they are being dishonest. And at some point one tires of making the same arguments over and over again to a group of people that simply refuse to play the game according to rules as the Blogosphere has always understood the rules.

The rules as I understand them:

-Fear mongering is wrong.
-War mongering is wrong.
-Using Karl Rove tactics is wrong.
-Helping the Republican candidate is wrong.
-Race-baiting is wrong.
-Threatening to obliterate an entire nation is wrong.
-Renegging on previous statements is wrong (see Florida & Michigan pledges).
-Clandestinely painting your opponent as a terrorist is wrong.
-Intellectual dishonesty is wrong.

That's just off the top of my head. Feel free to add more in the comments. But the overall point is clear: the Clintons have violated all of these rules, yet too many liberal bloggers either turned a blind eye ("both candidates are awesome") or literally supported such rule-breaking.

This process has been enlightening, historical and educational. As BooMan writes, it's also been disillusioning and sad. Here's to hoping that Senator Obama and Chairman Dean will rewrite the liberal story -- starting right now.

UPDATE: TBogg weighs in:

Quite frankly I have never seen such a gross example of intellectual dishonesty, disregard for reality on the ground, and shamelessness since, well, actually the last time Bill Kristol was on TV, but never mind that. [...] but when it comes to Hillary Clinton, fuck that noise. My contempt for her has reached the Lieberman line.

Ah yes. The Lieberman Factor (here, here and here).