
There Is No Impending Economic Disaster

Apparently the Republican House leadership is sabotaging the Senate plan.

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) said he feared McCain was undercutting Paulson by appealing to conservatives in the House.

“McCain and the House Republicans are undercutting the Paulson plan, talking about a wholly different approach,” Frank said prior to the meeting. “This is the presidential campaign of John McCain undermining what Hank Paulson tells us is essential for the country.”

Getting John McCain elected has now taken precedent over preventing this so-called "disaster." And this much is clear: while a disaster might happen, it's definitely not on top of us. If it was, the Republicans wouldn't be dicking around like this. However, the dicking around could very well scare the piss out of the markets. That might serve to precipitate a panic.

Furthermore, what has McCain actually done here? Flown to Washington and waddled around the White House, then appeared on all three major networks -- you know, because he's "not" campaigning? So now... who among the cable news hacks will hit McCain for playing politics with the economic crisis?

We're all being scammed. And the McBush Republicans are orchestrating all of it -- at the peril of our economy.