Democratic Party

There Will Be Swift Boating

Nothing is impossible, but it's becoming clear that it's mathematically improbable that Senator Clinton will get this nomination based on the popular vote and pledged delegates. The only way she can win this thing is to grab up superdelegates who don't mind breaking from the popular vote while she drags this ugliness all the way to the convention in August. We know by now that this will shred the party.

But that's not the worst of it. Meanwhile, a pro-Clinton 527 group will be launching a severely negative Swift Boat style ad campaign against Senator Obama in Ohio. This on top of the campaign's embarrassingly negative attacks.

At this point, without a legitimate path to the nomination, Senator Clinton needs to seriously consider stepping down sometime between now and the day after the Texas/Ohio primaries in two weeks. Am I wrong on this? Seriously -- does anyone see it differently? I can't see a way for her to win this thing with the party and her dignity intact.

UPDATE: From Paddy in the comments:

It gets worse Bob. Now they've got a website set up to lie to people about the delegate counts and Michigan, Florida primaries- Clinton plots