Democratic Party

They Make My Head Explode

There had better be a really fucking brilliant strategy behind the latest Democratic capitulation on Iraq. If there isn't, I hope they're prepared to lose seats next year.

Personally, I'll never regret supporting the party. They're better than the other bunch. But it's days like today when they make my head explode. I can tolerate the fact that I'm more progressive than some of the party leaders, but I simply can't swallow the party's cowardice in the face of an incompetent, unpopular White House.


You'd think that for no other reason than pride, Democrats would decide to fight. I mean, they can't stop telling us how tough they are by voting for "let's bomb Iraq" and "let's bomb Iran" resolutions. But people then elect them to do such quaint things as "lead" and "fight". So what happens when they don't? Congressional ratings keep tanking, we get headlines like these, and people think, "well, Democrats sure are wimps." Actually, "wimp" would be an improvement over the word they really use, but it's not politically correct so I won't use it. But you know what it is.

