
Things Tom Cotton Likes: War and Birthday Cake

Written by SK Ashby

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) could be seen on CNN today calling for bombing Iran rather signing a peace agreement, but before that he told the New York Times Magazine that he eats birthday cake almost every day. With ice cream.

You have been described as having very little appetite for frivolity. Do you have any guilty pleasures? I run a lot every morning.

That sounds neither guilty nor pleasurable. But I do it so I can indulge in the guilty pleasure of eating birthday cake.

Every day? Most days, with ice cream. Early on, when my wife and I were dating, we went to the grocery store, and I told her that sometimes I just buy birthday cakes, and I eat them. And she said: “Really? I do, too.”

Not just any cake. Birthday cake specifically.

I thought conservatives hated the idea that everyone can be a winner all the time, but apparently I was mistaken. Tom Cotton celebrates a birthday nearly every day.