
Totally Not Racist

Here’s a CPAC participant who both defended slavery and segregation as “good” for African Americans.

A panel at the Conservative Political Action Committee on Republican minority outreach exploded into controversy on Friday afternoon, after an audience member defended slavery as good for African-Americans.

The exchange occurred after an audience member from North Carolina, 30-year-old Scott Terry, asked whether Republicans could endorse races remaining separate but equal. After the presenter, K. Carl Smith of Frederick Douglass Republicans, answered by referencing a letter by Frederick Douglass forgiving his former master, the audience member said “For what? For feeding him and housing him?” Several people in the audience cheered and applauded Terry’s outburst.

After the exchange, Terry muttered under his breath, “why can’t we just have segregation?”

White men — this guy’s “people” — are being “disenfranchised.” Yeah, when will society get its boot off the neck of white men. Sheesh. Phenomenally racist dink.

Though I was glad to hear how aghast everyone was when he said that slaves should’ve been grateful for their “food and shelter.”