
Trade Deficit at 9 Month Low

Posted by JM Ashby

In another sign that the policies of the Obama Administration are slowly making a difference, things are looking better for American exports and by extension the trade deficit.

The trade deficit narrowed to $38.7 billion in October, the Commerce Department reported Friday. The figure was 13.2 percent below September's deficit of $44.6 billion.

U.S. exports rose 3.2 percent to $158.7 billion, the highest level since August 2008. Sales of American-made machinery, farm products and autos fueled the growth. Imports dipped 0.5 percent to $197.4 billion, with lower demand for oil and foreign-made cars.

Good thing the president initiated the diabolical socialist takeover of Government Motors General Motors. We very well could have had a total collapse of the American auto industry. Instead the trade deficit is lowering with partial credit given to stronger auto exports.